Part one can be read here
Part two can be read here
Endy looks up from peeling Sul's as he hear a door creak
Franziskus Ninetails smiles as he enters the kitchen after some business talk and the order to the blacksmith "Ah, there you are..." - emphasizing: "... MINE!"
Endy: "Greetings My Master" he says, unused to using the term, but liking the sound of it on his lips
Franziskus Ninetails opens his arms wide "You may hug me!"
Endy: "Yes Master" he says gladly
Franziskus Ninetails pulls his new boy into his arms, holding him tight. He kisses his neck
Endy feels the warmth of his Master beneath him, and decides he could stay like this forever
Endy chuckles, impressed by how strong the Master is
Franziskus Ninetails smiles and finally lets his new boy down to the floor
Franziskus Ninetails grins "If it was up to your new chain brother you would have been stripping right down at the docks"
Hrimgar Trading Bell shouts: A visitor wants to trade!
Franziskus Ninetails pricks his ears "Hmm, that was the trading belt. I'm going to take a look." - He looks around, considering a moment "Oh, best you come just with me as we need to go to the market later!"
Endy giggles, "If it was up to my chain brother I would be always naked" Endy pauses and thinks.... "ooohh... didn't someone say you had made him head of your chain, that means it.... oh dear"
Endy: "Yes Master"
Franziskus Ninetails grins as the boy finally understands. He reaches for the board with the keys, searching the right one, takes it off. then binds it on a binding fibre and reaches it to his new boy "Don't loose it, mine!"
Franziskus Ninetails points to the door "Try if it fits!"
Franziskus NinetailsFranziskus Ninetails nods "Fits!"
Endy turns the key carefully, and hears a satisfying click "Yes Master, it is a well cut key"
Endy wonders where he will put the key if naked but says "Yes Master...." "You wish me to take my bow with me to the docks?"
Franziskus Ninetails hands his bow to his new boy "Wear this for me"
Franziskus Ninetails shouts out to the docks, not knowing who rang the bell "COMING!"
Endy grabs his bag so he has something to attach the bow to
((Para was a Kur on the docks, Wicked is his slave))
Para growled slightly, "Thought as much, I saw you peaking out like a scared little animal, what with the sudden change in demeanour?"
Misha looks up to his sister
Iris Warwillow shifting a little bit "I was pekking because I was shooed away by the Jarl.. He didn’t wish for me to be seen.. I was peaking out of curiousness"
Franziskus Ninetails stops abruptly as he sees the big beast on the docks, his boy almost bumping into him. But he relaxes as he recognizes one of Krael's clan
Misha smiles
Misha: tal jarl
Misha: tal brothers
Endy: "greetings brother, sisters"
Iris WarwillowIris Warwillow her eyes moved as she heard steps "Tal Jarl.."
Para glanced upwards hearing the voices echoing through the hall as he sees the curious man from before as he nodded to the girl, "Very well..... I was curious as well." He laughs under his breath as he looks back, "Greetings again.... Franziskus." He tries to say, "And other human."
River: tal my master
Wicked: -her gaze turned from the Kur that was guarding over her, to the man that she recognized. her voice lowered and gentle as she spoke- Tal Jarl. I bring a request from Lord Kreal.
Franziskus NinetailsFranziskus Ninetails steps closer "Tal... Par... Pry... uhm... lord beast", and nods with a friendly smile to the pet of the kurii
Iris Warwillow hearing the Kur's response she gave a smile. As she just stroked Misha red hair a bit. A little tad bit more relaxed now that the Harbour Master had finally made his way out, to them.
Para grabbed the chain from Wicked's collar and tugged her forward, the chain wrapped between his fingers as he made sure to get her attention but not damage the large sheet of parchment she clutched, "Prayses. I take the courtesy to call you by your name, I expect the same." He glanced to Felina, "Now deliver the message, woman."
Franziskus Ninetails's eyes wandering between the impressive beast and the girl "A request?" - He looks around a bit nervously, not too happy to be seen so exposed on the docks conspiring with kurii.
Misha shoots River a smile as he sees him enjoy natures as much as he does.
((River and Misha both go around naked, a LOT))
Endy looks from behind the Master glad to finally get a good look at a Kur, he looks over his shoulder and pats Rivers knee reassuringly remembering how Kurii effect him
Wicked: -she yelped and struggled back against the yank on the chain. her small booted feet finally moving forwards as she settled between the massive feet of her Guard. shooting a frustrated glance to the harbour Master. coiled in her fingers was a small wanted poster which she offered to the Jarl.-
Franziskus Ninetails smiles at the kur "I try, but your name is not familiar to my tongue" - He bows his head a bit, not wanting to anger the kur with the slaves present, in case he not had breakfast yet. So, he tries to spell the name again slowly "Pray-ses. Was that correct?" - His eyebrows snap up?
River arrives back from his chores, stopping short as he sees the huge beast and the pet on the dock, silently he moves behind his master, kneeling next to his newly purchased brother. He flashes a nervous smile to mynx and misha then turns his attention back to the drama of the dock
Franziskus Ninetails turns to the girl "So greetings, girl. I think YOUR name I never got to know. ". He reaches for the small parchment and unfolds it. As he reads it a smile appears on his face, mumbling "Hmmmm... I think I can help with the one. Don't know the other name."
ParaPara looked around the gathering crowd with increasing nervousness as he toyed with the chain around his talon, "Prayses.... correct." He glanced and nodded towards the increasing number of people, but had grown tired of trying to greet each one individually a he found himself outnumbered in a way that made even a near thousand pound monster uncomfortable.
Misha takes the parchment for the jarl
(things got a bit confused here because the thieves guide had a RP that arrived at the dock at the same time as this, I have removed the part that were not to do with this RP – but just so you know why there are references to crowds))
Wicked: -her eyes filled with horror as the Jarl asked her name. quickly her head snapped upwards to the Kur that was holding her there, unsure of what she should do. Deciding not to offer the information for fear of reprimand, she turned back to the Jarl with a forced smile- any help you could give Jarl...would be handsomely rewarded. you are already familiar with Lord Krael's generosity.
Franziskus Ninetails looks around as the docks become more and more crowded, getting more and more nervous with too many witnesses
Misha takes a peek at it and smiles as he knows the names on the paper
Misha roles it up and puts it in his paper holder for safe keeping
Franziskus Ninetails looks over his shoulder to the storage hall, considering to invite the 'guests' there. In the move sees Misha has read the parchment and whispers "Inform the High Jarl about it."
Wicked: Jarl....might I place the poster in a spot of your choosing?
Para continued eying the crowd before turning back to Franz, "It is as the girl says, the Blood will reward you handsomely if you can find them.... or bring them to us.... They both have been a thorn in our sides."
Franziskus Ninetails points over to the storage hall "We better go to a more... uhm... private place!"
Franziskus Ninetails as Ades passes by "ADES! FOR A WORD!"
River stands up and runs to make sure that the trade hall is open
Ades Kanto: franz?
Para followed Franizskus, he had little desire to be here by himself as he tugged Wicked forward roughly by her neck.
Ades Kanto: you called for me?
Franziskus Ninetails whispers to Ades "Come please, this would be interesting for your camp too"
Ades Kanto: you asked for me franz?
River: should i close the doors my master
Franziskus Ninetails: Where's Misha now?
Ades Kanto: you asking me?
Iris Warwillow she stays back a bit as she watched the free and Kurr into the home she stood outside for now to watch the doors and docks. Inside be to crowded for now incase something when wrong.
Ades Kanto: looks at the wanted list
Ades Kanto: hhmmmmmmm
Ades Kanto: is there a reward for that?
River looks to his master seeing if he wants the doors shut
Ades Kanto: i can alert my people
Wicked: If I am permitted to nail the poster up...the reward is gold.
Franziskus Ninetails lowers his voice talking to Ades "I don't know, how much Eilly told you about our... uhm... collaboration with the kurii?"
Ades Kanto: i do not mind cooperating as much as I get paid, he grins
Franziskus Ninetails looks down to his boy "No, some fresh air is fine, mine"... then turns back to Ades "I know that Bunny... don't know the other name though"
Para pulled Wicked inside and looked towards the doors cautiously as he looked towards the humans. Praysus nodded, "Yes, Blood Krael will reward anyone handsomely." He turned to the cages, glad they were mostly wood as he ran a claw lightly through Wicked's scalp to keep her focused, "What of you Franziskus?"
Ades Kanto: well
Ades Kanto: i do not see a problem with that
Little Slut Nefes: laughs
Iris Warwillow looks looked at the Mistress that had apparently stoped in front of her "Tal Mistress" she was keeping watch on the docks quietly other then the small greetings.
Ades Kanto: i can try and do my best to get them to your kuri friends
Eileanoir Braveheart looks curiously inside trying to catch up the conversation and doesn’t say anything
Ades Kanto: slips the map into his pocket
Ades Kanto: i never liked that bunnymoon girl
((below is a pic of Bunny - pretty sure people are going to have fun capping her))
Ades Kanto: and here's Eilly
Ades Kanto: looks at her
I belong to Ades Kanto: she shot me once in Silver Tree
Endy sits quietly behind his new Master and nudges against his chain brother reassuringly
Eileanoir Braveheart chuckles " Tal everyone"
Wicked: -her entire body trembled as the razored claws of the Kur shifted through the tresses of her mane. seeing more humans drawing close, she pushed back against the massive form of the Kur for warmth and safety. her gaze turned to the Harbor Master before she asked- where is a good spot Jarl?
Ades Kanto: passes the scroll at eilly
Franziskus Ninetails smiles at Prayses and Wicked "That one - that Bunny - is a plague here. I wouldn't mind to get rid of her.... So, I am sure we soon can deliver you what you desire. However I don't know the other name on the list"
Ades Kanto: now that you mentioned that name
Eileanoir Braveheart takes the scroll from Ades "thank you"
Ades Kanto: does not sound new to me
Para nodded at the human as he grabs a copy of the map, "Hmph, I will look forward to you returning with them... or I know the others will at least." He was a bit surprised that woman was so wanted as he rested his massive hand on the girl's shoulder is she pushed near. He turned back to Franziskus, "We will appreciate help with either... situation."
Ades Kanto: mmmhh scratches his head
I belong to Ades Kanto: ewww ricka
Ades Kanto: mine why i remember his name?
I belong to Ades Kanto: a used to be in WWF a lot my Master
Ades Kanto: and also i am pretty sure the girl is seen often in this land too, hands a map to franzi
I belong to Ades Kanto: Ricka Deerhunter
Little Slut Nefes: Hears the name Ricka and smiles knowing him well
Ades Kanto: nods
Eileanoir Braveheart: Ricka... *she growls "that won't be easy...." remembers how he had her captured before in his traps wanting to sell her as coin-slut
Ades Kanto: mmmhhhh well i think we will do our best,
Wicked: shall I post it outside please Jarl? my time grows short as I must see to the Kur's meal.
Franziskus Ninetails: Hmmm... a sign... let me see?" He scratches his head and looks around. "River? Look with the girl for a place where she can raise a sign!" - Then he adds "Though I am pretty sure we are able to capture both alone"
Ades Kanto: now if you excuse me i must stock these barrels of good wine, he says while he taps the turian barrel he's carrying on his shoulder
Franziskus NinetailsFranziskus Ninetails nods to Ades "You need help with the barrels?"
Ades Kanto: nuuuu you know me
I belong to Ades Kanto: giggles
Ades Kanto: i love working, he say trying to hide the fact he does not trust anyone on goods
Para glanced back to the human carrying the barrel and gave him a nod, "Very well, good hunting human...." He turned back to Franziskus, "Hmph, well we may have others from time to time and you humans seem.... helpful."
Iris Warwillow she had been listening inside to the conversation stepping a few steps forward away from the door not wishing to be run over once the Kurr moved out from inside
Ades Kanto: raises an eyebrow but does not dare to say a word at the kuri
Eileanoir Braveheart coughs knowing no person who is more lazy than Ades " aye Ades, I truly would run home with those barrels" she says a little sarcastically " sweating is good" truly looking forward to see him work all alone while she watches
Ades Kanto: bòeah if it wasn't for me you all guys would be drinking water tonight and spits on the floor
Ades Kanto: he bows at the crowd and leave the room
Franziskus Ninetails frowns a bit, wondering how Ades managed it to spit on the floor through the mask
[13:34] Ades Kanto: ((got me lol))
(Yeah, I know I should remove peoples OOC comments – but that one was too funny :oD ))
Ades Kanto: sees misha kneeling outside
Misha smiles at the blond jarl in this spit covered mask
Wicked: -quietly she slipped outside and unrolled another copy of the poster. Stepping up the wall, she pulled a sticky substance from her pouch and attached it to the parchment. lifting up onto tip toe, she pushed the parchment against the wall securely and took a step back.-
Ades Kanto: eilly want to help me?
Ades Kanto: you lazy woman always thinking about make up
Eileanoir BraveheartEileanoir Braveheart grins " you didn't need help" she walks over to him " come on, go on!" wishing she had a whip
Ades Kanto: rests a bit cause he's too lazy
River: runs to do his master's bidding
Ades Kanto: and heads home
Misha: safe paths jarl
Eileanoir Braveheart: " you can do faster" smirks
Para sighed with a grunt as Wicked ran outside at the edge of her leash as he looked back to Franziskus. He grumbled and moved towards the door, "We must depart.... I will hope you will see about these.... people. I appreciate your help as does the Blood, once again."
Misha: safe paths Mistress
Misha: safe paths slaves
Eileanoir Braveheart: be well mish
Franziskus Ninetails exhales relieved as it slowly becomes a bit more quiet on the docks. Apologizing he says to the kur "Normally it is not so crowded here at the docks."
River: here on the wall here will be fine sister
Franziskus Ninetails nods to the kur "I am sure we soon can deliver at least a part of your desire. That panther was seen often around here"
Misha stands and reads the wanted poster
Franziskus Ninetails: And the the... uhm... camp-people are very busy... in case they can make some profit
Misha: i am sure we can get that panther, she is always bugging us here
Iris Warwillow nods a bit to herself she so wanted that panther off the land.. she had seen her to many times prancing around like she owned the place.
Wicked: the panther will die. she attacked the Lord's prized trophy..... the white larl.
Misha: aye
River: i know that panther
Para nodded at him, "I understand, it seems busier than normal today, you have done good work in the past, I know our visits bring issue to you as well." He turned back and tugged on the leash to bring her back to him, trying not to snap her neck, "We will visit again when things are calmer..."
River: she is a menace.
Misha: i think she needs to be in a collar and be controlled by a strong owner
River: maybe your master will eat her
Franziskus Ninetails nods then suddenly remembers "Oh! Did you succeed in finding that.. nest?"
Wicked: -she turned- well ....unfortunately it will be Lord Kraels choice.
Misha: aye, she is too small to be a good meal as well
Wicked: True, or she may be used as a training tool for the Larl. she is still young and yet to have her first human kill.
Iris Warwillow moves to where the sigh was looking upward at it. It was a good sign and well placed many would see it..Hearing about being small and a meal she was glad she wasn’t on the list to be hunted.
Para shook his head, "I do not know, I have not gone personally.... so I think not, but perhaps we could get you to escort us, for a price." He grumbled, "We really must go, we have stayed too long.... Thank you for your hospitality humans." He snorted at the idea of making her a meal, "Come slut, I do not wish to here the Blood's ire if he loses his prize possession."
River looks closely at the girl that is the kur pet. "is it ... " remembering that he was meant to be a kur something. it was the reason he had been brought to Gor
Franziskus Ninetails nods "I wish you safe paths and good travels. Hopefully we soon can visit your lands too"
River: "terrible?" he finishes saying
Wicked: -she glanced at the thrall that was speaking to her, but hearing the heavy footfalls of the Guard coming closer, she simply lowered her eyes and did not answer, knowing it would cost her life-
Para glanced back and gave him a solemn nod as he gazed upon the litany of slave girls as he exited the hall, "Our task is complete, I have spent enough time here and I grow hungry."
Wicked: -she quickly reported to the side of the large Kur, keeping her head down-
Misha smlies at the kur and the slave 'safe paths lord, serve with fire bond"
Franziskus Ninetails behind the beast's back waves the slaves out of way as he hears the kur growing hungry
River watches the girl as she suddenly seems much smaller as she physically shrinks before his eyes. it must be terrible, he decided if that much fear controls her.
Endy watches the Master motioning, but not being certain of the gesture that River would recognise moves to sit behind the Master
Para stood there for a moment, a quirky glance on his face as he looked over the group before grasping Wicked's collar and literally dragging her to the dock, "I have never seen so many male slaves before...."
Iris Warwillow she watching the Kurr finally emerge from within. Her eyes would watch the Kurr and the pet. "Good Travels Lord, safe paths bond"
Misha smirks as he finds us males slaves shocking
Iris Warwillow giggles thinking he out of range "Well At least were all in one piece. "
River takes the first opportunity he gets to move to his master and breathes a sigh as the beast moves to the waiting ship
Misha smlies at the jarl and the brothers
Franziskus Ninetails waves to the girl "Safe paths, Wicked", he says, as the finally enter the boat again. His body relaxing obviously as the ship leaves the harbour
Misha: i think we can get that panther, i don’t know where to find that jarl
Franziskus Ninetails: The other one?
Misha: the other free. i seen him but i don’t know where he is at
River: the panther is always hanging around Hrimgar and Silver Tree. I think she was the one that captured me that first time my master
Iris Warwillow: Jarl Shock got her too