Saturday 23 April 2011


Franziskus Ninetails: come with me!

::Kool Door whispers: Franziskus Ninetails opened the door

Franziskus Ninetails points to the brazier "Grab that and come!"

Endymion Avalira: Yes My Master

Franziskus Ninetails looks at the brazier then at his boy, considering if he's strong enough to carry it

Endymion Avalira moans softly as he picks up the brazier

Franziskus Ninetails nods content as his boy carries the brazier, slowly though, but anyways

Endymion Avalira pauses for breath as they walk to the other side of the village

Franziskus Ninetails: hmmmmmmm, yes

Franziskus Ninetails: put it here, mine!

Franziskus Ninetails points to the ground at his feet

Endymion Avalira sighs happily to put down the brazier

Franziskus Ninetails: now go and fire the coals, my lil moonbeam

Endymion Avalira takes the firelighter, and sets the paper at the base of the coals alight

Franziskus Ninetails waits for his slave to burn a fire in the brazier to heat up the coals, then he takes two irons from his belt and puts their ends between the coals

Franziskus Ninetails: keep this fire hot for the next hours, my lil moonbeam, so the coals are glowing nicely

Endymion Avalira: Yes my Master

Endymion Avalira: you are wanting an outdoor roast my Master

Franziskus Ninetails nods and grins "Yes... kind of"

Franziskus Ninetails: Roasting yummy meat

Endymion Avalira smiles "You need me to go to the butcher my Master?"

Franziskus Ninetails: No, just care for the fire, mine

Endymion Avalira: "Yes my Master"

Franziskus Ninetails hugs his boy before he leaves to return to the house "I will be back later, my lil moonbeam"

Endymion Avalira: Yes my Master

Endymion Avalira: Don't forget the meat my Master

Franziskus Ninetails: I won't

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